Object-Oriented Programming
I.	What is Object-Oriented Programming?
	A.	decompose a problem into its constituent parts
	B.	each component becomes a self-contained object that contains its own instructions and data related to that object

II.	Encapsulation
	A.	Two fundamental elements of a program
		1.	code - that part of a program that performs an action
		2.	data - the information affected by those actions
	B.	Encapsulation 
		1.	binds together code and data and keep both safe from outside interference and 	misuse
			a.	private code or data is known to and accessible only by another part of the 		object
			b.	public code or data is accessible to other parts of a program even though 		it is definede within an object.
			c.	the public parts of an object are used to provide a controlled interface to 		the private elements of an object

III.	Polymorphism
	A.	allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions
	B.	one interface, multiple methods - the same interface can be used to specify sa general class of actions.  It is the complier’s job to select the specific method that applies.

IV.	Inheritance
	A.	The process by which one object can acquire the characteristics of another
	B.	Hierarchical Classification
		1.	inherits the qualities of the classes above it
		2.	defines only those qualities that make it unique

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