Expressions and Statements
I.	Statement
	A.	controls the sequence of execution, evaluates an expression or does nothing (the null statement)
	B.	ends with ;
	C.	add whitespace to make more readable
	D.	compound statement  put between braces  {    }
II.	Expressions
	A.	anything that returns a value
III.	Operators - a symbol that causes a compiler to take an action
	A.	l-value -  an operand that can be on the left side
	B.	r-value - an operand that can be on the right side
			1.	constants
	C.	mathematical - +, -, *, / , %
			1.  self-assigned operations 
			2.	increment and decrement
				a.	prefix - increment the value and then fetch it
				b.	postfix - fetch the value and then increment the original
			3.	precedence
	D.	relational
			1.	evaluated as true or false
			2.	six of them
			3.	if statement
				a.	 if...else
				b.	nested  if statements
	E.	logical
			1.  AND - true if and only if all constituents are true
			2.	OR - true if one of the constituents are true
			3.	NOT - changes to the opposite truth value
			4.  precedence

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