Simple Commands
I.	The if command
	A.	if(condition)statement;
		1. 	condition evaluated as either true or false
		2.	if the condition is true, the statement will execute
		3.  if the condition is false, the statement will not execute

II.	The for loop
	A.	Used to repeat a specified statement a given number of times
	B.	for(initialization,condition,increment)statement;
		1.	initialization sets the loop control value to an initial value
		2.	condition is an expression that is tested each time the loop repeats
		3.	as long as the condition is true, the loop repeats
		4.	increment is a expression that determines how the loop control variable is incremented each time the loop repeats
			a.  ++ increments by 1
			b.	-- decrements by 1

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