Programming Assignment 22



You are a programmer for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  They want you to analyze digitized representations of the night sky and print star maps.


The digitized representations of the night sky have intensities which range from 0 to 20, where each number represents the brightness of that portion of the image.  A star is assumed to be present at location [r][c] if


(intensity[r][c] + sum of 4 surrounding intensities)/5.0 >= 6


where intensity[r][c] is the intensity at location [r][c].


Use the following input data.  It's in a file called prog22.dat, which you can copy into your working directory with the command  cp  /home/dienerd/prog22.dat  .  (Note the period on the end of the command.)


  0  3  4  0  0  0  6  8 12  5  3

  5 13  6 10  0  0 12  3  4  2 16

  2  6  2  7  3  0 10  0  1  0  4

  0  0  4 15  4  1  6  0  2  7  3

  0  0  7  2  6  9  1  4 18  5  9

  5  0  6 10  6  2  8  0 17  4  1

  3  1  4  9  2 12  7  1  3  9  6



Your output should  look something like the following although the stars will be in different locations.




|                        |

|      *        *        |

|          *          *  |

|   *           *        |

|       *                |

|                        |

|   *           * *   *  |



In writing your program you should use the following outline.


1.         Read the data into a two dimensional array intensity using a function


          void Input(int intensity[ROWS][COLS])





2.         Fill a second two dimensional array sky with '*' where there are stars and ' ' where there are no stars.  Ignore possible stars along the edges of the array.  Do this in a function


  void FindStar(int intensity[ROWS][COLS], char sky[ROWS][COLS])


3.         Print your sky map using a function


          void Output(char sky[ROWS][COLS])








