Assignment 2



1.   Write prog02a.cpp that engages the user in a discus­sion like the following.  Make it about yourself instead of Jamie Smith.


What is your first name?


What is your last name?


Well, Jamie Smith, how old are you?


That means that you were born in either 1979 or 1980.

How many miles from Oneonta is your home?


At 60 miles per hour it will take you 2.0 hours to get home.

What is your college ID number?


What is your favorite sport?



Let's see if I have all the facts straight.

Your name is Jamie Smith and you live 120.0 miles

distant from Oneonta.  Your id number is 0234567

and your favorite sport is tennis.  It was nice

talking with you. 



Make sure your program is running correctly and producing nice looking output. 



2.   Now write prog02b.cpp that does the following things:


1.         Read in the salary (salary), tax rate (rate), and number of depen­dents (dependents) for a worker at the DOWNTOWN BAKERY.


2.            Calculate the taxable income (taxable) from the following formu­la.


        taxable = salary - 50 * dependents


3.         Print the taxable income.



4.            Calculate the net salary (net) and tax (tax) using the fol­low­ing formu­las.


                                    tax = rate * taxable


                                    net = salary - tax


5.         Print the tax and net salary.


Your output should print the dollar amounts with dollar signs and two decimal places.


Test your program with the following data:


            salary = $1000.00

            tax rate = 10%

            number of dependents = 2



Make sure your program is running correctly and producing nice looking output.



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