United States v. Rodriguez

This case has to do with the Unemployment Insurance program. This is the 36 billion dollar program that is susceptible to fraud not only claimants but also those entrusted with the responsibility to run the program. The Unemployment Insurance program is used to identify and prosecute fraud crimes.

Antonio Rodriguez was a leader of The Hot Dog Scheme that consisted of nine people who helped illegal Aliens get unemployment insurance benefits. The recipeints would receive the benefits and give part of the money back to the criminals that helped them get it. These people would receive about $500 dollars at a time. Rodriguez received 97 months in jail, 3 months probation. Christopher Boyd and Ana Gonzalez received 27 months in jail and 3 years probation. Four workers that worked in the agency received on average one year in jail, 3 years probation and $10,000 dollars restitution.

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