One of the world's biggest bank scandal, inflicting huge financial losses on thousands of people worldwide, surfaced in the media in 1991. It was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). It had heavy ties with the CIA, terrorist organizations, drug traffickers, and other crooked financial corporations that were turned down by most other banks. It financed terrorist activities, financed drug trafficking deals, defrauded depositors. Congressional committees, Justice Department personnel, the FBI, and the CIA all knew about the corrupt operation for years. It was not until law enforcement agencies in Europe and a state prosecutor in New York City prepared to file charges that the banks corrupt operations were shut down in the United States. Millions of people throughout the world lost billions of dollars, made possible by the cover-up actions of the people in foreign countries and in the US. These losses would not have occurred had officials and attorneys in the United States not engaged in the crimes of cover-up misprision of felonies, obstruction of justice, and had they not aided and abetted the criminal activities. This bank is now referred to as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.

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