Level 1


Level 2


Level 3

Needs Work

Level 4


Level 5




1.  Statement of the Problem,

2.  Background,

3. Thesis

4. Supporting Evidence

5.  Summary and Conclusion

All elements are present, but some are unclear

All elements present, but most are unclear

Some elements are missing, but most of those present are unclear

Some elements are missing, but most of those present are unclear


Clear Presentation of Background, of

Basic Distinctions, and of Consequences

All elements present, and most clearly developed

All elements present, but most unclearly developed

Major elements are missing and/ or unclearly developed

Most of the elements are missing and/or unclearly developed




All relevant evidence is treated  (Comprehensiveness) and its interrelationships are presented


Comprehensiveness and unity are not clearly developed

Some major elements and their interrelationships are missing.

Most major elements and their interrelationships are unclearly developed.

Most major elements and their interrelationships are missing.



Considers evidence reflecting on the truth of basic assumptions and evaluates the pattern of argumentation employed looking for

1. Logical mistakes

2.  Missing evidence

3.  Incomplete evidence

4.  False evidence

Evidence considered and argumentation analyzed are incomplete

The basic evidence presented is not clearly relevant and argumentation is not clearly developed

The basic evidence presented is irrelevant as are the patterns of argumentation

No consideration or very poor consideration of evidence and argumentation


The document has proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

Only minor mistakes in proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

A few major mistakes in proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

Many major mistakes in proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

For the most part, proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure are missing.